The 2 years are almost over. 20 more days to go, then we are back in good old germany. But it is still exciting here. Lots of things to do. Last weekend I had my trip to the family in germany. So you can also see some new Pictures of Josefine here: (password protected)
This week we finally had our first real rain since June. It was a flood. We had as much rain in 20 hours than sometimes in a full year. 200 liters per square meter in Montpellier. It was amazing how much water came. Flooded roads, houses and so on. Even water came through underneath my entrance door. It was crazy.Now we are back to „normal“. Sunny 25C and no more rain. So I made a trip to Lodeve yesterday to visit one of our newer friends. A 78 year old Lady Marga that I met in June at the airport when the flight to Montpellier was cancelled. She is great, tells nice stories. We already visited her during her last stay in Lodeve in July with the family.
This time I came alone. Her brother was there as well and we watched the football game(soccer) Germany vs. Russia (Germany won 1:0) and had a delicious dinner.
Was a funny evening.
I already packed some stuff and next week I have to work late, so I can play Need for Speed Shift on the PS3 again 🙂 Yeeha
A bientot