Time goes by very fast. So my first week in Poughkeepsie was nice. Lot of work to do and my colleagues here are great. I know Art, my current Lab colleague also since several years so it was a lot of fun to see each other. Christian ( also from germany and curently on Assignment in Montpellier) is also here so we spent the past week several nights in the Restaurants and Bars in Poughkeepsie. They are both only 2 weeks here in POK so we use the time.
I had my best Steak ever last week. With both guys and another friend (Paul & wife) we went to CREW, a small Restaurant near us. I had the smoothest and most delicious Filet Mignon ever. It was so smooth that it is watering my mouth while typing this… The steak was perfect. With a blue cheese crust on top, mashed potatoes and some vegetables. Price was normal. I went to many many Steakhouses in the past 14 years here in the US. From „cheap“ to „expensive and fancy“. They were all good, but not as good as this Steak at CREW, So, whenever you come to Poughkeepsie, please go there and eat something. Filet Mignon if you ask me 🙂
Besides a „normal“ false Fire alarm here in the Hotel it is pretty quiet here. The Students from Marist College are not here yet. So it is really quiet here.
What were we doing this weekend ? Waiting for the snow. Since I am here the temperatures went from pretty cold ( -13C ) to pretty mild (up to 17C ). But they are expecting snow that night with up to 30cm (a foot of snow). It was pretty windy and cold today.
Christian and I went shopping yesterday in Conneticut at the Danbury Mall (less sales tax than NY) and today we went to New York City. I saw in the news, that the Queen Elisabeth 2, Queen Victoria and Queen Mary 2 cruise ships are in NY City. It was a historical cruise.
The QE2 had her last trip across the Atlantic. It will „retire“ in Dubai. So they wanted to make a big Firework tonight. But since we could not look at the ships closely (close to public, except if you for example pay the 65000USD for the full 90 day cruise) and we wanted to be home before the snow we only watched them while driving by. But it was a great feeling.
In Manhattan we had a easy day. It was not as crowded that much and we walked relaxed through Manhattan. Christian was also filming with my HD Camera, but my Laptop is not powerful enough to edit the material, so I have to wait until I am back at my PC. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe and had pretty good lunch. New York is always fascinating. I was here so many times in the past 14 years, but there is always something new to look at.
If you want to look at the pictures I took so far check out the album: http://fotos.web.de/bigmek/POK_Jan_2008
So, I will see if we get snow tonight and let you all know. C ya