Our first week all together in france is almost over. It was a exciting week. Lots of new things. We had not much luck with the weather on monday and tuesday. It was raining and raining…But we had to go shopping anyway to buy necessary stuff. So we did not play outside but that was ok. On wednesday we had 20C (around 69 Fahrenheit) and we went to Port Camargue where we walked along the beach and played a little minigolf. Yes, minigolf, everybody starts small 🙂 The kids love to play there. It is a real little adventure. The sky was blue, not many people around, so we could play without pressure. In the afternoon we went for dinner at the „Les trois Brasseurs“ in Montpellier/Odysseum. This is a brewery with a good restaurant. Good food for a good price. Kids friendly.
On thursday we had to go shopping for Fabians schoolbooks. We met with our agent Mme. Tunmer. She only speaks french but she speaks slowly and explains everything for us. So for Dagmar and me it was a good experience to speak and listen to french. I also managed to buy Dagmar a cell phone and to have my pair of sunglasses repaired. Next week we have our first french course. Montpellier is really beautiful. Especially when it is sunny 🙂
Friday I visited my colleagues and bought reduced tickets for the Mare Nostrum Aquarium in Montpellier. So Fabian, Jonathan, Dagmar and I got in the line and tried to get in. They still have to improve their way of buying tickets and getting in. The Aquarium opened Dec. 15th 2007 and they already had 100000 visitors since. Not bad at all. But the fact, that we already had tickets did not make it easier to get in. I had to ask and sneak around to get to the next line. The second line was the waiting line for the real entry. A card reader/barrikade. But only ONE for all. I can’t imagine what happens if they really have lots of visitors. Kind of crazy. After the entrance there is the first room with small aquariums. Nice but pretty narrow and crowded. To go further you MUST wait at another barrikade. It looks like the inside of a ship. Every 5 minutes a simulation starts. So you get on the bridge of a ship and see/feel a simulation of the different strom strengths on the sea. Jonathan did not like it. They should make it a extra for people that want to see it not a MUST for everyone. Anyway. The next areas are also nice. A submarine, a reef and finally a djungle with piranhas. In the big tank you can watch the sharks. Those animals are gorgeous. It is a little loud there in the room. You can sit down , but the people talk and scream.
In other aquariums they have queit, relaxing music playing all the time. That makes the people automatically quieter. Overall it is good attraction here in Montpellier and worth going to.
You can also watch a video from our visit : 26MB WINDOWS MEDIA VIDEO
The weekend is easy going and we are relaxing. Looking forward in what is coming. A bientot