Archive for November, 2009

Fin – 2 years France are over

Sonntag, November 1st, 2009

Amazing, it is all over now. Dagmar, the kids and I came back home to good old germany yesterday evening with all our stuff. It was a wonderful, stressful last week in France. A lot to do at work, paperwork, packing all our belongings into boxes. Visiting and saying Au revoir to our friends. Packing the stuff and filling the car with it took until 11am, Saturday Oct.31st 2009. Halloween. We had no costumes but after a almost sleeples night, cleaning and packing Dagmar and I almost looked like Zombies.
But we enjoyed our last evening at the very good Restaurant „La Lucques“ at our Hotel. Delicious Foie Gras, Salad.. name it… it was delicious. With some wine…Steak Haché for the kids, icecream, all was good. We talked about our two years experience and had all those great memories.
After 9 hours driving time with some breaks we crosses the french/german border at Mulhouse. Was different this time. Of course because it was our return, but they also removed the old border patrol houses there after all these decades. Now it is just a brand new piece of Highway. No more slowing down, no border…
The kids were handling the trip great, as usual. Of course Josefine was a little more demanding, but that was ok.
We will write a Resumé of our two year experience in France soon. It would take too much time now. It a lot of memories and experience and you should have something interesting to read.Stay tuned. Soon you will read the final words. Currently we will use  
A bientot

The 5 Engelkahles