Archive for März, 2009

We are sailing…

Sonntag, März 1st, 2009

My good old friend and former colleague (retired) Christian invited us, Anu and Antti to a sailing trip. Christian has a 6.4m long sailboat in the harbour of Carnon. Small but safe. Usually he sails with bigger boats Regattas (pretty successfull) and he sails ships to other locations. Very exciting life. Exciting places all around the world.

Now he wanted to takes us to a ride. My last time was in 2000 with him. That was already great.  
The kids were already happy about this trip.
The weather was not as warm and sunny was the day before was, but still mild with temperatures between 14-16C and a little windy. We need wind 🙂 We picked up Anu and Antti (from Finland) with our Jumpy and drove to Carnon. There we met Christian, his girlfriend Lo-Ann and another friend of her.
Since only six persons can be on the boat we split into two groups. Our little family was first. The kids got a lifevest and a big smile. Christian also showed them how to handle the rudder and off we sailed. Nobody turned green or yellow, nobody was sea sick. We had some nice waves, but it was not that bad. Fabi was so excited that he now planned he wanted to get a sailing license one day.
Since I was the heaviest on the boat I had to change sites on the boat.
After one hour we came back and the others went on a little cruise. Meanwhile we walked a bit and had some coffee, hot chocolate and Crepes.
There was also a Ice Skating ring, pretty crazy since here are usually no temperatures below 0C in the day. But lots of people enjoyed it.
After one hour the others came back and we had some more coffee, chocolate…
We will not forget this beautiful day.
You can enjoy some pictures here:

The 4 2/3 Engelkahles